搜索Who's Next的結果,共7筆,(花費0.001565秒).

用戶 ClaudeThe Attic Attic 的評價.

3 years ago
「When someone wants to do wrong it is never God who's tempting him, for God never wants to do wrong and never tempts anyone else to do it. Temptation is the pull of man's own evil ...

用戶 Ivan天使薇拉卓克 Vera Drake 的評價.

4 years ago
老李的片非演技派是絕對做不來的,他也就一直跟老搭檔合作。看Drake被審的時候難過了一下,ingnorance... who's to blame

用戶 Isaac캐치 22 Catch-22, Catch-22 的評價.

3 years ago
세상에, 이런 새까만 희극이 있다니, 원작의 힘이 전해진다. 그런 소설도 영화로 만들어 질 수 있구나... 어쨌든 블랙 코미디는 원작 읽는 것보다 더 좋을 수 없다. 미국 코미디 'who's on first' "The actors home" episode (1953) 영향을 받았다는 생각이 든다. 그 시기에 작품을 쓰기 ...

用戶 sarahmartinezy7怦然心動 Flipped 的評價.

3 years ago
Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss. But every once in a while, you find someone who's iridescent. And when you do, nothing will ever compare.有些人淺薄,有些人金玉其外而...
3 years ago
ネタバレ! クリックして本文を読む Where did you get this? Kolya. Who's Kolya? Our brother. Your older brother? Your brother is a hunter? Where is he? 映画を売りたいが為に禁忌なシーンを映画のプロットに組み入れるなんて.. カントから言わせると...
3 years ago
ネタバレ! クリックして本文を読む "親の育て方や接し方、愛情不足によってASDになるのではない"(自閉症という言葉は使いたくはない) What will he be when I'll be gone? I can't stand that he end up locked up. I'd rather fu*k myself up with him r...

用戶 fehrhyx魔女がいっぱい 的評價.

3 years ago
ネタバレ! クリックして本文を読む My story begins during the last month of 1968. Believe it or not, I was once a young boy. "once a young boy" が伏線であり映画のミソ 原作者のロアルド・ダール... 彼の両親はイギリスに住むノルウエー移民であること...