
09月30日 2018 上映
'Boom' tells the untold story of one of rock 'n' roll's wildest and most influential bands, The Sonics. For the first time ever, all five original members of the band tell the stor...
10月07日 1987 上映
故事梗概: 傑茜是一家大型連鎖店的顧問。工作作風上的雷厲風行和業績上的不斷重新整理,給傑茜贏得了六位數的年薪收入和“猛虎女人”的綽號。工作上,傑茜獨擋一面事業有成;生活上,傑茜和男朋友斯迪文同吃同住,但就是不談結婚,更別說擁有他們的一個孩子。 ...
01月01日 1990 上映
Colorado became the first state in the United States to legalize the sale of recreational marijuana. Now that it has been nearly a year, CNBC takes a look at some of the statistics...
01月01日 2007 上映
A wry interweave film about baby making and how as time marches on the decision gets more intense and less romantic
01月01日 1990 上映
導演: Dean Wellins 編劇: Dean Wellins 主演: Dean Wellins 型別: 動畫 / 短片 製片國家/地區: 美國 語言: 英語 片長: 6分鐘 IMDb連結:...
08月30日 1940 上映
影片講述考爾白飾演善解人意的貝茜(Betsy),在德州北部鄰近法尼爾家鄉,一個發現石油的城市賓拔力迪(Burkburnett)裡結識奇勒基寶和另一男角史賓沙,從而發展兩男同時愛幕及追求她的愛情故事。當中石油大亨奇勒基寶每發現新油井時,都會將那鑽油臺命名‘美麗的貝茜’(Beautiful Betsy)再加上次數號碼,來比喻對她的無盡欣賞和疼愛。
01月01日 1929 上映
01月01日 2013 上映
02月07日 2014 上映
Bim Bam Boom Las Luchas Morenas, is about three Mexican sisters, professional wrestlers, whose lives, lived according to their own ideas, are a struggle but also a lot fun.
01月01日 1990 上映
When Nazi forces invaded Holland in 1940 and began rounding up Jews, Corrie ten Boom, her sister Betsie, and their elderly father risked their lives to save as many as possible. Co...
10月12日 2012 上映
01月01日 2016 上映
. 는 국제무대를 휩쓰는 아티스트들이 비트박스 세계의 구석구석을 소개하는 작품이다. 이 특별한 여정은 뉴욕의 라젤과 케니 무하마드, 프랑스의 플래시박스, 알렘과 BMG 등 베를린에서 열리는 세계 대회에 참가한 아티스트들을 통해 비트박스의 인기와 이 단순한 예술의 형식, 그리고 그 뿌리까지 파헤친다.(2016년 제12회 ...
09月08日 2017 上映
Exploring the pre-fame years of the celebrated American artist Jean-Michel Basquiat, and how New York City, its people, and tectonically shifting arts culture of the late 1970s and...
05月09日 2014 上映
一股超自然的力量,讓兩大古老家族面臨存亡危機! 留下來或者被趕走? 這是他們得捨命求解的青春證明題! 日本關西琵琶湖畔的石走市,住著「日出」與「棗」兩個家族,相傳1300年代代繼承神祕力量的兩大家族…。根據日出家的傳統,擁有力量的子孫必須住進石走城修練。剛上高一的涼介(岡田將生 飾)就這樣來到這裡開始寄宿本家的生活,看到穿著紅蘿蔔…不,是紅制服的淡十郎(濱...