
07月21日 2006 上映
07月08日 1988 上映
Mike, after his release from a psychiatric hospital, teams up with his old pal Reggie to hunt down the Tall Man, who is at it again. A mysterious, beautiful girl has also become pa...
01月01日 1990 上映
Emmanuelle returns to her husband in Hong Kong and proceeds to have several extramarital affairs -- with his knowledge, of course. Her husband's lover and American guest are both v...
06月03日 1983 上映
After years of treatment at a mental institution for the criminally insane, serial killer Norman Bates is finally released. Deciding to move back into his long-dead mother's infamo...
07月09日 2014 上映
Nursing home Zonnedael has been shut down by director Bomhoff: the psychiatric in-patients Bep Brul, the Major, Fats, Ms. De Haas and Dr. Doolittle are reintroduced into society ag...
02月27日 2014 上映
A film about a sculpture by Chris Burden.
02月17日 2016 上映
A nameless man wanders the city, littered with necrotic artifacts and a trail of corpses. Are his grotesque hallucinations clues to a violent past?
07月01日 2014 上映
The story follows Kurt Niles, an every day guy living in the neon-lit Halogen City. After being left dead in the streets by a gang called The Dangers, Kurt returns from his asphalt...
09月02日 2013 上映
Last year Chinese painter Yuke Qin showed his experimental short film, Philomirrophobia, at the Montreal World Film Festival. This year he artfully questions his own "coming out". ...
07月28日 2023 上映
デンマークの鬼才ラース・フォン・トリアー監督が1990年代に手がけたテレビドラマ「キングダム」のシーズン2・全4話を劇場公開用にまとめた長編作品。 コペンハーゲンの巨大病院キングダムに勤める女性医師ユディットが産んだ赤ん坊は、新生児とは思えない体格を持ち、生まれてすぐに喋り始める。一方、ハイチから帰国した医師ヘルマーは、自身が犯した医療ミスの証拠を掴んだク...
02月14日 2014 上映
香港人輝(陳坤 飾)給一個闊太李太當司機,他娶了一個深圳女人婷(田原 飾),兩人已經有了一個女孩,但是婷又懷上了二胎,為了不用交超生罰款,輝想讓婷去香港產子。他奔波在各個醫院,卻被告知已經沒有空的床位,而找中介公司卻要花費20萬元的鉅款,輝嘗試了各種方法...... 輝的老闆李太(劉嘉玲...
01月01日 1990 上映
01月01日 1990 上映
一樣的夢境同時出現在四個人的睡夢中,而睡夢中的怪事又同樣出現在現實生活裡,時辰一到方位對正,夢界靈界開始交錯,他們必須進入夢境拯救自己……                                    青年鄧天光為儲錢結婚,日間在電腦公司工作,晚上到二十四小時便利店兼職。                                    鄧女...
11月03日 2022 上映
The story starts with a Malaysian police detective – Chia Zhong Yi. In his desperate search for his daughter Hazel who was being kidnapped by child traffickers. He unintentionally ...
11月07日 2008 上映
辛苦奮鬥多年,人到30的顧濤(郭濤)做成某家汽車公司的高階營銷主管。某日中年客戶(鄭則仕)就其所買的新車前段為何出現一個小黑點將顧濤質問,見給不出答案且態度越來越蠻橫,偏執的客戶欲將此問題向他公司高層反映。顧濤性急之下失手將客戶打死。這打破了他的生活,他與妻子小安(李小冉)開著那輛有瑕疵的車開始了玩命逃亡之旅。 ...
01月01日 2018 上映
Qiu Zi Xuan was an excellent volleyball player in the past, but he had to give up his dreams due to a knee injury. Despite everything he still participates in the team's training. ...
04月15日 2005 上映
12月05日 2003 上映
무간도 II - 혼돈의 시대 Infernal Affairs II, 無間道 II,은 2003에 발표 된 홍콩 2003 범죄,액션 .05 개봉 영화입니다,영화는 유위강,맥조휘가 지배하고 있습니다,진관희,여문락,황추생 및 기타 주요 배우,한국에서 2003년12월05일에 출시되었습니다. 모든 것을 뒤바꾼 혼돈의 시대가 도래한...
12月06日 1993 上映
導演: 洛倫佐·拉馬斯 主演: 洛倫佐·拉馬斯 / Kathleen Kinmont / 約翰·薩維奇 型別: 動作 / 驚悚 製片國家/地區: 美國 語言: 英語 上映日期: 1993-12-06 ...
09月14日 2014 上映
導演: Marcel Walz 編劇: Marcel Walz 主演: 安妮卡·施特勞斯 / Yvonne Wölke / Mika Metz / Micaela Schäfer / Gabriela Wirbel / Nicole Neukirch / Isabelle Fitzgerald / Bea La Bea / I...