
02月27日 2010 上映
01月01日 2020 上映
Simon Liu's eerie, entrancing portrait of contemporary Hong Kong tracks a series of strange disruptions to the city's urban infrastructure. Deceptively tranquil 16mm images of ever...
09月20日 2002 上映
Eight women gather to celebrate Christmas in a snowbound cottage, only to find the family patriarch dead with a knife in his back. Trapped in the house, every woman becomes a suspe...
02月01日 2015 上映
My name is Gabriel and I live in Taipei. I have lost my wife during an assault. A red-haired man came to me, he smelt of fried fish. He had a gun and he shot my family. Since, I fe...
01月29日 2014 上映
Eight young people from different backgrounds accidentally robb a bank at the same time. Each has different reasons and motives: confusion, hobbies, fun, adrenaline sports, even to...
09月25日 2015 上映
03月31日 2015 上映
Come watch some of the cutiest innocent looking teens fuck their brains out and enjoy every inch of cock that spreads apart their soggy cunts. These young beauties give off the imp...
04月07日 2017 上映
A cop’s pistol gets stolen and even as the search for it gets underway, it ends up in the hands of someone who uses it to rob a bank.
03月22日 2016 上映
A desperate young man possessing special powers clashes with a militarized police force after committing a petty crime. Code 8 is an action/science fiction short film, produced as ...
01月23日 2015 上映
People from diverse social backgrounds, races and ages manage grief through its different phases.
06月06日 2014 上映
年輕貌美的皮划艇運動員阮小月(陳喬恩 飾),痛失即將結婚的教練男友何天華(黃曉明 飾),尋求真相心切的她,在有望成為未來之星的運動生涯關鍵時刻突然離隊,帶著種種疑惑,隻身來到一所大學擔任校龍舟隊的臨時教練。阮小月的到來,打碎了龍舟隊的大男孩們一邊嬉鬧一邊看美女的美夢,取而代之的是無止境的魔鬼式訓練及麻辣教練臭臉相伴的噩夢,無限制地挑戰著大男孩們的小心臟和小肌...
01月01日 2013 上映
程輝 (張家輝飾)曾經是香港的兩屆拳擊冠軍,卻因為打假拳的罪名而入獄服刑,出獄後,以當計程車司機維生。為了逃避債主的追討,程輝躲到澳門,在那邊找到一份在拳館的減肥班當助教的工作,並在一位好朋友的幫助之下,和一對母女住在一個屋簷下;這對母女分別是明君 (梅婷飾) 和十歲的女兒丹,老是給程輝添麻煩。 思齊 (彭于晏飾)是一名熱血青年,是中國大陸的富二代。不料,思...
01月01日 2013 上映
導演: Jordan Pacheco 編劇: Jordan Pacheco 型別: 恐怖 製片國家/地區: 美國 語言: 英語 上映日期: 2013 IMDb連結: tt2360586 A group of amateur paranormal investigators, frustrated with the lack of any sol...
09月13日 2013 上映
坐落在昂貴地段的廣告公司,有嚴格監控的門禁卡、高檔辦公室,幽雅落地窗和唯美會議室,但美侖美奐的工作環境卻暗藏無限忌妒與猜疑。風情萬種的克莉絲汀(瑞秋麥亞當斯飾)是呼風喚雨的美艷女王,而聰明絕頂的伊莎貝爾(歐蜜芮佩斯飾)則是她的得意下屬,兩人的關係十足微妙,表面上風平浪靜,背地裡卻暗藏凶器……。 在一次廣告提案中伊莎貝爾表現出色被公司賞識,但是克莉絲汀卻把功勞...
01月01日 1900 上映
01月01日 1996 上映
Hitoshi Kamibayashi (Takeuchi), acting head of the Kanto sand group, and Yoshiro Yazaki (Sakakibara), the chairman of the Kanto sand group, have made a name for themselves as big-n...
01月01日 1931 上映
헝가리 무곡 #8 - 마법사의 도제 Study No. 8, Studie Nr. 8,은 1931에 발표 된 독일 1931 애니메이션 영화입니다,영화는 오스카 피싱거가 지배하고 있습니다,한국에서 1931년01월01일에 출시되었습니다. 피싱어는 음악 '마법사의 도제'의 전부를 살 만한 충분한 돈이 없었다. 음악의 결말이 아님...
04月01日 2016 上映
下屬的一個失誤令身為上司的鄭凱(黎明 飾)事業陷入困境停滯不前,不僅如此,他還得承擔下屬造成的鉅額損失。鬱悶至極的鄭凱只能借酒消愁,在酩酊大醉之際,一位陌生的黑車司機(耿樂 飾)將鄭凱送回了家並且留下了電話,此時的鄭凱並不知道,這名神祕的男子,將徹底改變他的一聲。 黑車司機反常的態度和瘋...
08月05日 2013 上映
中國首部打拐題材“銳電影”#極速營救#正片上線】25分04秒,被拐兒童,極速營救!由靈思沸點影業、@新週刊 話題社聯合推出!
01月29日 1999 上映
When the spoiled 13 years old Nicole is expelled from school for the third time, her super rich daddy has her brought home in his private 727. However in a storm the airplane gets ...