
08月12日 2016 上映
Rustom Pavri, an honourable officer of the Indian Navy shoots his friend Vikram to death after discovering that his wife Cynthia had an affair with the rich businessman. The Comman...
01月01日 1990 上映
Rustom works in a small government office in the countryside. Life for Rustom is wandering from place to place in the small town, spending time with Kapil who works on the suburban...
08月12日 2016 上映
軍功卓著的海軍副艦長魯斯特中校(阿克謝·庫瑪爾飾)在執行為期半年的出海任務,臨近尾聲時按照司令部的指示提前返回孟買,驚訝地發現他那美麗絕倫的妻子辛西婭(伊萊亞娜·狄克魯茲飾)竟然與好友維克拉姆(阿然·巴傑瓦飾)有染,怒火中燒的魯斯特匆匆離家,回到軍艦領取了一支手槍,來到維克拉姆家,隨著三聲槍響,維克拉姆倒在血泊之中。 ...