
12月14日 2023 上映
Even though he is afraid of ghosts, Joed takes on the role of undertaker in place of his elderly father who fell ill. When the ghost of a pregnant woman who hung herself goes on a ...
01月01日 2014 上映
05月09日 2014 上映
Documentary that reflects on the WWE career of the Undertaker, the franchise's longest serving wrestler with over two decades of action behind him. Known for his trademark finishin...
12月25日 2023 上映
黑馬之姿超越泰國近10年電影票房記錄!創造泰國影史票房奇蹟! 公映至今突破七億泰銖,奪得泰國本年度票房亞軍 爆炸現像級觀影人流,泰國副總理皆帶隊朝聖 恐怖、搞笑又催淚的經典泰式組合 呈現出泰國東北依善周邊地區的日常、官話與生死觀 喪生不能殺掉你一次;但愛能殺你千千萬萬次…   一名法學院的學生喬德返回故鄉打算司法考試,但做殯葬業的母親卻患病了,怕...
01月01日 1997 上映
언더테이커스 웨딩 The Undertaker's Wedding, J'ai épousé un croque-mort,은 1997에 발표 된 캐나다, 1997 코미디 영화입니다,영화는 존 브래드쇼가 지배하고 있습니다,애드리언 브로디,제프 윈콧,버트 영 및 기타 주요 배우,한국에서 1997년01월01일에 출시되었습니다. 장의...