

In the comic books, before she was Captain Marvel, she was Ms. Marvel, and Kamala took up the name Ms. Marvel because she so looked up to Captain Marvel and her previous title was vacant.


Key points:




Kamala’s eyes glow in a fiery golden cast, similar to the way Carol and Monica’s eyes have. It could be an indication of the source of their power – perhaps a binary star, as it was for Carol’s power-up in the comics. For now, it reads as a way to visually align the three heroes of The Marvels.



2. The Power Cuff




Yet Kamala feels invisible both at home and at school—that is, until she gets super powers like the heroes she’s always looked up to. Life gets better with super powers, right?



Seeing Kamala Khan with bright, glowing fists is one of the best Easter eggs of this entire trailer. It’s not a classic Kamala Khan power, but it is a classic Ms. Marvel power – if we’re talking about Carol Danvers’ Ms. Marvel.

*本文摘錄自Den of Geek《Ms. Marvel Trailer Breakdown and Analysis: New Powers and More!》(驚訝老伯片花分析:新的更多的力量!)




Many stars overhead are invisibleto the naked eye.


Remember that Ant-Man drawing in Kamala’s notebook at the beginning of the trailer? Maybe it wasn’t just fan art, but also a hint about Ms. Marvel’s eventual abilities.

4. trailer 片花;跟蹤;拖車



In the comics, Kamala’s powers include the ability to fully transform her entire self to becoming larger or smaller. She can become bigger than a building and as small as Ant-Man, if necessary, though it does take a lot out of her, leaving her seriously depleted for the remaining fight.

We are all looking forward to thetrailer.


The whole thing seems very mysterious.


The cuff Kamala puts on is a key element of her classic costume in the comics, but here it seems to be functioning in relation to her powers.

Is it a source, augmenting them, focusing them, dampening them so she doesn’t accidentally take out her whole school? Making the cuffs functional is a cool way to bring her costume into her origin story, piece by piece.


3. mysterious 神祕的;無法理解的

An avid gamer and a voracious fan-fiction scribe, Kamala is a Super Hero mega-fan with an oversized imagination—particularly when it comes to Captain Marvel.



Marvel Studios’ Ms. Marvel is a new, original series that introduces Kamala Khan, a Muslim American teenager growing up in Jersey City.



When they eventually meet, Captain Marvel teases her for it but gives her approval. Those powerful, glowing fists earned Carol Danvers the nickname Princess Sparklefists, which she pretended to hate but secretly loved, so here’s hoping someone uses it for Kamala.



By far one of the most intriguing aspects of the trailer is also the most mysterious. In a trippy sequence, we see Ms. Marvel seemingly fall from one plane of existence into another, calling to mind Captain Marvel’s Binary-esque powers or perhaps Monica Rambeau’s journey through the Hex in WandaVision.

1. invisible 看不見的;隱形的


Amateursfall by the waysidewhen the going gets tough.


1. Sparklefists!

While some have lamented Kamala’s changed powerset, the trailer does show her using her classic “embiggening” skills a couple of time to make a giant fist to punch a few bad guys.






There’s no way to know yet for sure what this is, but it seems to be tied to Ms. Marvel’s powers and is visually reminiscent of some of the other realities or ability-shifting experiences we’ve seen in the MCU’s Phase 4 thus far.


It will be interesting to see whether that energy depletion remains an aspect of her character or if it falls by the wayside.

2. fall by the wayside 被淘汰

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